No Cigarette Butts in the Flower Pot Sign - Free PDF Download

No Cigarette Butts in the Planter Sign Graphic
No Cigarette Butts in the Planter Sign [8.5"x11" PDF File] Download 13kb

I don't know why they call them 'sidewalk planters', since they're usually just trashcans for the lazy litterbugs who infest our great city.

I found similar signs in front of the nearby beer distributor's sidewalk planters and thought my own center city planter could use a sign for those smokers who crowd my cutaway on the busy street, using the nearby planter as an ashtray of endless cigarette butts that will never be cleaned. This took me 10 minutes to whip up this downloadable PDF file (13kb) and post it here for free download! It's got a dashed line to cut it out if you want to make it look authentic, and you can laminate the results like I did for permanently propping in your planter to dissuade future cancer patients from mindlessly relieving themselves of the waste of their addiction. I mean, think of the Squirrels...

Special Thanks to ShrinkPDF, who compressed my downloadable PDF file by 90% and to my friends at TinyPNG, who easily shaved more than two thirds off that image, making this page load fast!