Work From Home Opportunities for the Pandemic Confined

A collection of links for those looking to cultivate a second income, which may the only way to survive this up coming recession. As long as we're unfortunately under the control of this dumbass, everyone needs to make plans. Remember to check the unemployment rules in your state to see if you can collect your unemployment benefit while working for any of these companies! I double-checked these links!

Participate in Research

Answer surveys, participate in focus groups, or be interviewed. Daily emails sent with potential opportunities to participate in on some of these services.

Website / App Testing


Watch a video or listen to audio and type what you hear. Accuracy is preferred.


Turn popular content from one language into another and conquer a new audience!


Fix obvious data errors, do brief internet research, participate in data collection.

Creative freelance for others

Freelance Marketplace


  • Teach English as a native english speaker!
  • ($25 - $50 hour) become a tutor in various subjects
  • ($1 - $30 minute) sell your time to others to give professional advice

Create & Sell your own stuff

Longer term Contract / Full time work