Meet Jack & Jill (& Gail!)

My friend Kevin (who I consider to be my cat-collector/savior friend - we all have one) gave me two street kittens to adopt/re-home, whom I've named Jack and Jill (also considered Nyan and Cyan), and here's the first pictures I was sent of these heartbreakers:

Third Sister: GailJack & Gail

Apologies for the lack of pixels in this video of the kittens and Mom playing through a screen door; it was a mobile 3gpp video converted to MP4.

I managed to snag a brother & sister combo from a larger litter, and will keep them as indoor cats. For now, they're too young to be fixed & chipped, but they'll live with me for the first month to get used to living indoors. Hopefully, they learn their litter box lessons quickly!

I assigned their birthdate as April 1, 2022. I don't have an actual birthdate, but they appear about 5 weeks old, and weaned off mother's milk. Besides, they won't care if I'm wrong - I'm no fool! Now I can easily celebrate their long (nine) lives with me with gag birthday gifts for a lifetime!

Here's Jack!


...and Jill!


For now, they're hiding from me (but together) and hiss when I come close, as should be expected from feral kittens. I will update this page as they warm up to my home and presence.


The plan for socializing them is simple: no touching them for the first 24 hours, then occasional capture, hold and pet each one to get them socialized to humans. I discovered they're infested with fleas (not a surprise for feral outdoor kittens) on close inspection after the first day and they both got a warm soap bath while I await flea combs to help clean and de-flea them thoroughly now. Both have had no trouble finding and using the litter box, or finding and eating the wet and dry food I've left out for them. However, they're quite nocturnal, and their sleep/awake/eat/play cycle happens many times a day.

Three Month Update


I don't see the growth until you compare them to earlier photos, and it's amazing how big they've gotten in the last few months! Their personalities are beginning to shine through, and they love playful tumbling and attacking each other all day long. They're due to be fixed soon, so we'll see how they react! They're currently homed with foster sister 'Gail' (not pictured here, but above as first photo!) and the three make a terrible trio of terror trice a day!

Four Month Portrait


Five Month Update

Photo of 3 cats adding power to the internet

Foster sister 'Gail' is now full-time sister, and the crepuscular trio are nearly finished their full kitty vaccinations, and all three have been microchipped - their full 'royal' names and UUID microchip numbers are on this page to make searches for those number easier. They're also registered with the provider of the chips:, which will not get linked here due to it's weird subscription upsell.

Handsome Jack the Gregarious

Microchip # 982091069672140

Beautiful Jill the Brave

Microchip # 982091069672611

Gorgeous Gail the Gracious

Microchip # 982091069679944
Adopted by Blair Williams on Oct. 19, 2022! (Find Gail? I can help put you in touch with her new owner Blair, simply get in touch!

Lovely Sophie the Underfoot

Microchip # 941010001540198
A feral porch brown tabby female cat I had fixed in December 2023, and ended up adopting myself in 2024.