Holding Pens Redux

Like all earworms, you don't realize it's power when you first encounter it.

I'd read Alex Wendland's 'How to avoid losing items? Holding pens.' back in July when it initially published through a link off Hacker News. I was intrigued by the title, as I immediately thought it was some mind hack like actually holding a pencil or pen to take notes at any moment.... (see inset)

However, it turned into a bit of confirmation bias, as Alex is talking about putting largish trays ('Pens') in every room of your house to throw all the MOOP (he calls it 'anchorless items') one naturally collects in day to day life - with a plan to clear it out daily/weekly/on schedule to prevent cultivating a junk drawer.

I'm reminded of this blog post long after reading it, every time I use my own 'Holding Pens' I'd setup in my own tiny apartment long ago. It's a great concept, and you should check out my version...

I live in a terribly small apartment - less than 400 sq ft. - I don't need (nor have the room) for massive 12" x 18" trays like he's suggested. I bought a few cheap plastic bins from my favorite retailer Temu for pennies apiece, and applied them to my wall, right beside my front and back door. Now they're used to store my EDC stuff (keys, wallet, glasses), along with items going out the front (or back) door next opportunity.


I should note that the top 'bin' above is screwed to the wall after the double-sided tape came loose after I overloaded it with too much heavy stuff. Now it'll stay on the wall no matter how much I dump in it - and I can also hang bags off it temporarily!

I've got a similar bin by the back door (no cell phone holders) and it does its job perfectly. I've gotten very comfortable with both tossing items in there for later returns, and as a dumping ground for the stuff I EDC when I'm out and about.

As someone who spent the first 25+ years of my life without a cell phone, I find it odd leaving the house without one today. It's a bad habit (and an obvious digital leash), and I'd love to quash this habit of carrying a cell phone entirely, but find the GPS and photo-taking/brain-dumping opportunities are welcome and wanted.