Ruin repeat Sidewalk Blocking Cars day by diming them out to Philadelphia's Parking Authority
Hate those entitled car owners who like to park wherever they see fit, blocking pedestrian access to the uninterrupted sidewalk?
Me too. And you know the PPD isn't gonna stoop so low as to deal with it (even though they have a parking enforcement division), and 311 calls go answered, but unsolved and unpunished within reasonable time.
Get out your bookmarks drawer and save this link: Mobility Access Violation Reporting Form is from the PPA and it allows Philadelphias citizen cops to directly report these douchebags to the authorities that can inflict swift judgement. You'll have to submit your armload of evidence - Photo uploads, make/model/color, date/time, block number/zip code, but the inner justice warrior in you will be quelled for a moment knowing just desserts are being delivered.
Drop that dime and call the PPA directly at (215) 683-9773
This won't stop all double-parkers and delivery vans blocking one-way one-lane streets. However, if a wheelchair can't get around them on the public sidewalk, expect a nice huge fine to be delivered to the car registration's owner. Make them pay! Even if they parked there just for a second.
Philadelphians have a lot of cars and not a lot of parking, added to the entitlement many car owners have about parking on their own block - all 3 of their vehicles! We're already a pretty walkable city, and with the advent and expansion of our inner-city bike lanes, in combination with highly affordable electric bikes, many city dwellers can give up their primary gas-guzzlers (or their Teslas) and save thousands in insurance payments and car maintenance annually. In return, we all get quieter streets, less traffic, less pollution, and healthier citizens.