We Buy Souls - Free PDF Download
I'm quite familiar with this sort of predatory sign hung rampantly in poor neighborhoods (like mine) by obnoxious land developers. When I stumbled across our inspiration, I was inspired to make it my own. I hopped over to Bill Wear's phone numbers that give odd messages to choose a good destination for my prank; what better choice than the number that is perpetually too busy with callers to answer... A few minutes with every sign-makers favorite font (Impact) and my prank design was ready to be downloaded (Yeah! Another Free PDF File). I snuck in a QR Code so others can participate in my fun, and it just links back to this page so they can download their own
Special Thanks to Bill Wear for the digits as well as ShrinkPDF, who compressed my downloadable PDF file by 87% and to my friends at TinyJPG, who easily shaved more than two thirds off that image, making this page load fast!