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Just fill out this quick form to contact us here at Under Design about the xFader. Looking for usage advice? Order questions? Wholesale inquiries? Technical questions? We'll get back to you ASAP!
If you live in the Philadelphia Area, can work crazy random (not regular or full-time) hours to earn up to $40 an hour assembling xFader orders, assuming basic solder ability. Contact us using the form above.
Email us pictures of you with your xFader to win! Send all photos to EMAIL REMOVED. Prize to be determined, but if all it costs you is a quick emailed digital photo, what do you care? (OK, It's a t-shirt, but I haven't printed them yet.)
We're also looking for some DJ's to be included in our DJ Signature series, as regular users of the xFader. Obviously, we're looking for big name DJ's, but if you can prove that you actually use the xFader when you DJ out, and can keep us in the know, we want your applications too! If selected to be a part, you'll get a free custom xFader with a DJ signature xFader skin made to your specs. Final designs will also be available free on our web site, and will bear the signatures of the DJ's who were involved.