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We find that xFaders are a perfect complimentary sale to nearly any music player, and sell easily at the $40 MSRP. They have a high-tech packaging that's eye-catching, and sure to draw sales interest. Record Stores, Computer Stores, Electronics Shops are all great sales locations for the xFader. You can make between 25-43% markup depending on sales quantity! Lead time for larger orders may be 6-8 weeks, depending on customization options.
We prefer PayPal to doing our credit card billing. Sure, it costs 3% per transaction, but we suck with money. They'll also get your email and shipping address and email us once you're order is complete. For larger orders, an artist at Under Design will send you proposal skin designs within a week. If you prefer to pay by check, or cash on delivery, scroll down for more info.
You may also write us a check made out to 'Under Design' and mailed to us at our business address below. All checks must clear before we ship. We prefer business checks, but will accept nearly anything, with the exception of oversized foreign money orders. Be sure to include your shipping address and email information so someone can contact you about custom designs. If you have a logo you would like included in your custom skin, include it with your check. An artist at Under Design will send you proposal skin designs within a week.
Under Design - Wholesale Orders